Course Overview

Helping you share the transformational truth of the Bible

Course Overview

PT Training courses overview

The overall vision of the Proclamation Trust (PT) is to multiply faithful word ministry. Our training courses are key to putting this into practice: equipping men and women to serve in their churches by doing faithful word ministry, and by helping others do word ministry in turn. This multiplies word ministry, strengthens churches and transforms lives to the glory of the Lord Jesus through the faithful, Spirit-empowered proclamation of God's word.

Key features

Train while staying rooted in your local church community.

Interactive lectures that equip you for dynamic, transformative, relevant Bible teaching.

Develop preaching and teaching skills in a supportive, team-based setting.

Learn from a wide range of staff and adjunct teachers, with extensive pastoral experience, who are engaged in a wide range of ministry settings.

Study alongside a cross-denominational and multi-national student cohort.

Grow through talks and presentations—no essays or exams.

Course Comparison


Cornhill Training Course


  • Pre-seminary vocational training
  • Two days a week course over two years
  • For those considering word ministry in a full time or part time capacity
  • Ideal for people on training programs in local churches

Cornhill Plus


  • Seminary level vocational training
  • One day a week course over four years
  • For future and current ministry leaders
  • Seminary level training

Ministry Training Course


  • Training for everyone
  • One day a week over two years
  • With the option of doing just the first year
  • Training for anyone who wants to teach the Bible
Course offerings

Which course is best for you?

We recommend our Cornhill Training Course. This is a two-day-a-week course over two years that would work well in partnership with church-based trainee, associate or apprenticeship schemes. Designed for those looking to go into full-time or part-time ministry.

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We recommend our Cornhill Training Course. This is a two-day-a-week course of in-depth Bible training over two years that would work well alongside a children’s or youth worker role in a local church. It would also be good preparation for such a role — or preparation for further, seminary-level training, such as our Cornhill Plus course.

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We recommend our Cornhill Plus course. This is a one or two-day-a-week seminary-level training course, ideal for those already in assistant or junior ministry roles. It maintains the same focus as the other PT courses on learning from the Bible and being trained to teach the Bible, while building all the doctrinal and pastoral tools necessary for a lifetime of ministry.

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We recommend our Ministry Training Course. This is a one-day-a-week program over two years. It’s ideal for someone who takes occasional preaching slots, or who wants to grow in biblical wisdom to make godly decisions in church.

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We recommend our Ministry Training Course. This is a one-day-a-week program over two years. It’s built around learning from the Bible, and learning to teach the Bible

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