How does PT multiply faithful Word ministry?

Our ministry is based on the conviction that when the Bible is faithfully taught, God’s voice is clearly heard.

We seek to multiply Word ministry that is faithful through training and encouraging the expository preaching and teaching of the Bible. This keeps the speaker’s message faithful, by keeping it in line with God’s message through the biblical text.

Expository preaching is an approach with deep roots in Christian history, based on the conviction that the Bible is God’s Word in written form — God speaking, present tense. Like other Bible teachers, the expository Bible teacher desires to keep their message as close as possible to the message God wants them to give. But they do so by keeping the message as close as possible to what God actually says through the biblical text: expounding it in context, book by book, section by section.

We seek to multiply Word ministry that is faithful by being relentlessly Bible-centric in everything we do. Convinced that the Bible is sufficient to train men and women for ministry. Convinced that engaging with God through the Bible is sufficient to grow people in godliness. Convinced that, as we read alongside Christian thinkers across history, the Bible is sufficient for building a sound doctrinal framework and effective pastoral habits.

We seek to multiply Word ministry that is faithful by maintaining close partnership with local churches. We consider the local church the main setting in which students will grow and learn to do ministry. Our aim is not to create a separate setting for training, but to act as a servant body to local churches, so that many churches can partner together in training. All Cornhill courses are part-time, so that the centre of every student’s week will be Word ministry in their own local church. What they learn in the course will be shaped by this ministry, and can be put into practice straight away.

We seek to multiply and sustain future Word ministry by keeping close partnerships with those who have attended our courses and events, through further training and conferences. Our desire is to create lifelong training partnerships.

We seek to motivate and encourage engaging Word ministry in the future by leading by example. We put considerable effort into keeping all our own teaching engaging, interactive, and attention-grabbing.

We seek to multiply Word ministry that is faithful by teaching the biblical doctrines that will help keep it faithful. Although the main focus at Cornhill is on biblical exposition, a significant proportion of our courses is dedicated to teaching doctrine.

We seek to multiply faithful Word ministry by focussing on what really makes a difference for future Word ministry. Students on our courses give multiple talks over the year, for which there is formative feedback, verbal and written. Likewise, presenting talk and sermon outlines in groups is a key feature of most of our conferences.

We seek to multiply faithful Word ministry by offering flexible training options. It’s possible to attend the Cornhill courses one day a week, or two days a week. We want as a many as possible to experience our training alongside ministry in their local church.

The Proclamation Trusts exists to
faithful Word ministry.

We seek to multiply global Word ministry by drawing in students and ministers from all over the world. And then being delighted when so many go back out into cross-cultural Word ministry.

We seek to multiply Word ministry by encouraging both men and women in Word ministry, so that all are well trained — with due sensitivity to the different roles in churches our students may take on in the future.

We seek to multiply faithful Word ministry by being strictly non-denominational. We want to work across all kinds of boundaries, so that the largest number can be trained for faithful, expository Word ministry in the future.

If you love God’s Word and want to teach the Bible — whether full-time, part-time, or in your spare time — we are here to support

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