Saturday 7th June 2025
Jonah is a curious prophet and the book named after him has a curious ending!
It’s short but it packs a punch, holding up a mirror to God’s people. It asks how well we know the sovereign and compassionate Lord. It has big implications for how we live with him and how we hold him out to others.
Join our ‘Online Teaching for Women’ session on Saturday 7th June from 9.30am - 1pm, to deepen your understanding and gain confidence in sharing the curious prophecy of Jonah with others. Kirsten Guthrie will give an overview of Jonah and break down passages using various Bible handling tools. There’ll be interactive elements for to work through either on your own or in a small group if you watch with others. This session is open to all women, whether you're teaching the Bible to women, students, young people, or children or simply eager to grow your love for the Lord.